Presentation of the project

Dear Vajra Family,

We are glad to invite you to take part in the project “Practicing together”.
The aim of this project is to transmit a practice of Mandarava for the health of our beloved Master Chögyal Namkhai Norbu via opened webcast every full moon or Padmasambhava day from the different Gars and Lings of the Dzogchen Community.
This project was born in Barcelona and has received the approval of the International Gakyil and the Shang Shung Institute and has the support of the Webcast Team for its broadcasting.

We invite all instructors and practitioners with experience in doing this practice to guide it from the different parts of the Dzogchen Community where it is technically possible to transmit it. Those of you interested in guiding this practice can register using the following form.
Participation Form
Please encourage any members of your Gar capable of guiding this practice to enroll in this activity.

Dates might vary depending on the Retreats held by Rinpoche and other important events.

In order to give the opportunity to all practitioners of the world to practice together, the guided practice should be ideally guided from different parts of the world, i.e. In May from Merigar West , in June from Tsegyalgar East and so on every month from a Gar or Ling located in a different time zone. We also suggest you to try to organize the practice the day planned even without following the webcast when the transmission corresponds to your night due to different time zone, in that case at least we can potentiate that day and dedicate it to our beloved Master.

We hope this initiative is of your interest since your participation is essential for its development. We will see its evolution in the following weeks. We hope it has continuity so that we can practice together for the benefit of our Precious Master and all sentient beings.

Long life to the Master!!!

The Team,